Hotel per Soggiorni Prolungati
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Royal Heights Kikusui Station
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Cosa offre questo posto
Servizi e comodità
Ristorazione, bevande e snack
Accesso a Internet
Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!
Dove dormirai
22 m²
Room 201, 1DK, 1 double bed, 1 futon. 1-minute wal
22 m²
Room 703, 1DK, 1 double bed, 1 futon. 1-minute wal
Room 606 Mattress can be used only when used by 3 people
room 303 mattress can be used only when used by 3 people
room 201 mattress can be used only when used by 3 people
Room, Non Smoking (303)
room 201 mattress can be used only when used by 3 people
1 double bed
Room Assigned on Arrival
1 single bed
room 303 mattress can be used only when used by 3 people
1 double bed
Room (201)
Royal Heights Kikusui Station
Sapporo, Giappone
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